Peer-reviewed Journal articles
Benham, G.P., Neufeld, J.A. and A. W. Woods (2022). “Axisymmetric gravity currents in anisotropic porous media.” Journal Fluid Mechanics 952.
Benham, G. P., M. J. Bickle and J. A. Neufeld (2021). “Two-phase gravity currents in layered porous media.”Journal of Fluid Mechanics 922.
Benham, G. P., M. J. Bickle and J. A. Neufeld (2021). “Upscaling multiphase viscous-to-capillary transitions in heterogeneous porous media.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 911.
Bickle, M. J., E. I. Stevenson and R. R. Haese (2020). “Sr-isotopic ratios trace mixing and dispersion in CO2 push-pull injection experiments at the CO2CRC Otway Research Facility, Australia.” Chemical Geology 538: 119489.
Boon, M., Matthäi, S.K., Shao, Q., Youssef, A. A., Mishra, A. and S. M. Benson (2022). “Anisotropic rate-dependent saturation functions for compositional simulation of sandstone composites.” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 209: 109934.
Boon, M. and S. M. Benson (2021). “A physics-based model to predict the impact of horizontal lamination on CO2 plume migration.” Advances in Water Resources 150: 103881.
Boon, M., S. K. Matthäi, Q. Shao, A. A. Youssef, A. Mishra and S. M. Benson (2021). “Anisotropic rate-dependent saturation functions for compositional simulation of sandstone composites.” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 209: 109934.
Butler, A. J., C. R. Meyer and J. A. Neufeld (2020). “Deformation of an elastic beam on a Winkler foundation.” Journal of applied mechanics 87(5): 051010.
Cook, P. J. (2022). “Resources and Reserves in a carbon-constrained world.” Mineral Economics: 1-11.
Cossins, T., Mishra, A. and R. R. Haese (2023). “The feasibility of enhanced pore space utilization in CO2 storage reservoirs using an artificially emplaced Si-gel flow barrier.” Scientific Reports 13(1), p.9334
Gilmore, K., J. Neufeld and M. Bickle (2020). “CO2 Dissolution Trapping Rates in Heterogeneous Porous Media.” Geophysical Research Letters 47(12): e2020GL087001.
Gilmore, K. A., C. K. Sahu, G. P. Benham, J. A. Neufeld and M. J. Bickle (2022). “Leakage dynamics of fault zones: experimental and analytical study with application to CO2 storage.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 931.
Matthai, S.K. and L. K. Tran (2023). “Numeric determination of relative permeability of heterogeneous porous media with capillary discontinuities.” Advances in Water Resources 175: 104430-39
Mishra, A. and R.R. Haese (2023). “Efficient screening of locations with the best pressure dissemination potential in geological CO2 storage reservoirs with lithological heterogeneity.” Geoenergy Science and Engineering 226: 211787.
Mishra, A., Jyoti, A. and R.R. Haese (2023). “Informed reduction of the geological data on rock material interfaces in subsurface CO2 storage reservoirs.” Fuel 342: 127777.
Mishra, A., Boon, M. M., Benson, S. M., Watson, M. N. and R.R. Haese (2023). “Reconciling predicted and observed carbon mineralization in siliciclastic formations.” Chemical Geology 619: 121324.
Mishra, A., Jyoti, A. and R.R. Haese (2022). “Irida: A machine learning based code for the automated derivation of site-specific rock type logs and their properties using Kimeleon colourlith image logs.” Applied Computing and Geosciences 16: 100102.
Mishra, A., A. Chaudhuri and R. R. Haese (2021). “Conditions and processes controlling carbon mineral trapping in intraformational baffles.” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 106: 103264.
Mishra, A. and R. R. Haese (2020). “Quantification of the turning point saturation for cross bedded CO2 storage reservoirs.” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 103: 103185.
Mishra, A., K. D. Kurtev and R. R. Haese (2020). “Composite rock types as part of a workflow for the integration of mm-to cm-scale lithological heterogeneity in static reservoir models.” Marine and Petroleum Geology 114: 104240.
Mishra, A., L. Pajank and R. R. Haese (2019). “High resolution characterization of lithological heterogeneity of the paaratte formation, Otway Basin (Australia), a coastal to shallow-marine deposit.” Geosciences 9(6): 278.
Ni, H. and S. M. Benson (2020). “Using unsupervised machine learning to characterize capillary flow and residual trapping.” Water Resources Research 56(8): e2020WR027473.
Ni, H., M. Boon, C. Garing and S. M. Benson (2019). “Coreflooding data on nine sandstone cores to measure CO2 residual trapping.” Data in brief 25: 104249.
Ni, H., M. Boon, C. Garing and S. M. Benson (2019). “Predicting CO2 residual trapping ability based on experimental petrophysical properties for different sandstone types.” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86: 158-176.
Ni, H., O. Møyner, K. D. Kurtev and S. M. Benson (2021). “Quantifying CO2 capillary heterogeneity trapping through macroscopic percolation simulation.” Advances in Water Resources 155: 103990.
Nijjer, J. S., D. R. Hewitt and J. A. Neufeld (2019). “Stable and unstable miscible displacements in layered porous media.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 869: 468-499.
Sahu, C. K. and J. A. Neufeld (2020). “Dispersive entrainment into gravity currents in porous media.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 886.
Sedaghat, M. H., K. Gerke, S. Azizmohammadi and S. K. Matthai (2016). “Simulation-based determination of relative permeability in laminated rocks.” Energy Procedia 97: 433-439.
Shao, Q, Boon, M., Youssef A. A., Kurtev, K., Benson, S.M. and S.K. Matthai (2022). “Modelling CO2 plume spreading in highly heterogeneous rocks with anisotropic, rate-dependent saturation functions: A field-data based numeric simulation study of Otway.” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 119:103699
Shao, Q., S. Matthäi and L. Gross (2019). “Efficient modelling of solute transport in heterogeneous media with discrete event simulation.” Journal of Computational Physics 384: 134-150.
Shao, Q., S. K. Matthai, T. Driesner and L. Gross (2021). “Predicting plume spreading during CO2 geo-sequestration: Benchmarking a new hybrid finite-element finite-volume compositional simulator with asynchronous time marching.” Computational Geoscience 25: 1-25.
Tran, L., J. Kim and S.K. Matthäi (2020). “Simulation of two-phase flow in porous media with sharp material discontinuities.” Advances in Water Resources 142: 103636.
Tran, L. K. and S. K. Matthai (2021). “Simulation of the Infiltration of Fractured Rock in the Unsaturated Zone.” Applied Science 11: 9148.
Youssef, A. A. and S.K. Matthäi (2022). “Upscaled Dynamic Relative Permeability for Unstable CO2 Flow in Stratified Porous Media.” Transport in Porous Media 143: 657-680.
Youssef, A.A., L. Tran and S.K. Matthäi (2021). “Impact of the vertical resolution of corner-point grids on CO2 plume migration predictions for layered aquifers.” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 106: 103249.
Zheng, Z. and J. A. Neufeld (2019). “Self-similar dynamics of two-phase flows injected into a confined porous layer.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 877: 882-921.
Zou, A., and L.J. Durlofsky (2023). “Integrated framework for constrained optimization of horizontal/deviated well placement and control for geological CO2 storage. SPE Journal: 1–20.
Papers (non peer reviewed)
Benson, S. M., M. Bickle, M. Boon, P. Cook, R. Haese, K. Kurtev, S. Matthai, J. Neufeld, M. Watson and G. Winkelman (2018). The Geocquest Project: Quantifying the Impact of Heterogeneity on CO2 Migration and Trapping in Saline Aquifers. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne.
Boon, M., H. Ni and S. M. Benson (2021). Observations of the Impact of MM-Cm Scale Lamination on the Migration and Trapping of CO2 in Reservoir Rocks. 15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 15-18 March 2021.
Boon, M., H. Ni, C. Garing and S. Benson (2018). Effect of capillary induced flow on CO2 residual trapping. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne.
Jyoti, A. and R. Haese (2018). Geochemical Reactions at Lithological Boundaries Controlled by Downward Advection of Co2-Enriched Brine–A Reactive-Transport Modelling Study at Pore Scale. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne.
Kurtev, K. and S. Matthai (2018). Characterization and Impact of Seal Heterogeneity on its Sealing Capacity for a CO2 Storage. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies.
Matthai, S. and C. Burney (2018). Scale-Transgressive Simulation of the Impact of Heterogeneity on CO2 Migration Using High-Resolution Outcrop-Analog Models. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne.
Mishra, A. and R. Haese (2018). Determining conditions of CO2 entry into intraformational baffles: A prerequisite to estimate residually trapped CO2 at reservoir scale. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne.
Ni, H., M. Boon, C. Garing and S. Benson (2018). Effects of Correlation Length and Lamination Direction on CO2 Residual Trapping Ability for Different Sandstone Types. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne.
Nyunt, P. and R. Haese (2018). Towards a Realistic Representation of Lithological Heterogeneity at the South West Hub Through High-Resolution 3D Static Modelling. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne.
Shao, Q. and S. Matthai (2020). Numerical Modelling of CO2 Migration through Faulted Storage Strata with a New Asynchronous FE-FV Compositional Simulator. ECMOR XVII, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers.
Shao, Q., S. Matthai and L. Gross (2018). Efficient modelling of CO2 injection and plume spreading with discrete event simulation (DES). 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne.
Zou A. and Durlofsky L.J. (2023). Integrated framework for optimization of horizontal/deviated well placement and control for geological CO2 storage. Paper No: SPE-212228-MS, SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference. Galveston, Texas, USA.
Boon, M., N. Hailun and S. M. Benson (2018). Effect of capillary induced flow on CO2 plume migration. AGU Fall meeting. Washinton D.C. .
Boon, M., N. Hailun and S. M. Benson (2019). The impact of small scale rock heterogeneity on CO2 plume migration and residual trapping. AGU Fall Meeting.
Boon, M., N. Hailun and S. M. Benson (2019). The impact of small-scale rock heterogeneity on CO2 plume migration and residual trapping. Carbon Capture and Storage, Gordon Research Seminar. Switzerland.
Boon, M., N. Hailun and S. M. Benson (2019). The impact of small-scale rock heterogeneity on CO2 plume migration and residual trapping. 11th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting. Valencia, Spain.
Boon, M., N. Hailun and S. M. Benson (2021). The impact of small-scale rock heterogeneity on CO2 plume migration and residual trapping. Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies conference series (GHGT-15). Abu Dhabi.
Boon, M., N. Hailun, C. Garing and S. M. Benson (2018). Effect of capillary induced flow on CO2 residual trapping. 10th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting. New Orleans, USA.
Butler, A. J., C. A. and J. A. Neufeld (2019). The effect of non-uniform poroelastic reservoir geometry on the propagation of a buoyant gravity current. APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Fall Meeting 2019.
Butler, A. J., C. A. and J. A. Neufeld (2019). Pressure Build-up and Surface Deformation due to Heterogeneities in Aquifers. UKCCSRC Programme Conference. Edinburgh.
Butler, A. J., C. A. and J. A. Neufeld (2019). Using surface deformation to infer properties of the subsurface through poroelastic pressure diffusion. UKCCSRC Network Conference. Cardiff.
Haese, R. R., S. M. Benson, M. Bickle, M. Boon, P. Cook, K. Kurtev, S. K. Matthai, A. Mishra, J. Neufeld, C. K. Sahu and M. Watson (2019). The GeoCQuest Project: Quantifying the impact of lithological heterogeneity on CO2 migration and trapping. CO2CRC CCUS Symposium. Torquay.
Haese, R.R. and A. Mishra (2023). Advancements in geo-modelling and the proposed GeoCquest Field Validation (GFV) project. CO2CRC PAC Meeting, Melbourne.
Haese, R. R., C. T., M. A. and E. M. Llanos (2021). Enhanced pore space utilisation using a silica-gel flow diverter. CO2CRC CCUS Symposium. Torquay.
K., G., J. A. Neufeld, M. J. Bickle and A. J. Butler (2019). Reduced-Order Modelling of CO2 Dissolution Trapping Rates and Plume Propagation in Heterogenous Porous Media. AGU Fall meeting.
Matthai, S.K. (2017). Clarifying the role of reservoir heterogeneity on CO2 migration and trapping mechanisms by numeric simulation. Joint seminar of CSIRO. Curtin University, Perth.
Matthai, S.K. (2017). Understanding the impact of heterogeneity on CO2 plume spreading and CO2 immobilisation. San Donato, Milanese, Italy.
Matthai, S.K. (2017). Understanding the impact of heterogeneity on CO2 plume spreading and CO2 immobilisation. RTWH Aachen, Germany.
Matthai, S.K. (2018). Keynote: Upscaling CO2 relative permeability in heterogeneous sandstones. INTERPORE. Melbourne.
Matthai, S.K. (2018). Space-Time Adaptive THMC Simulation with Hybrid FEM-FVM Methods Applied to CO2 Geo- Sequestration. RING Meeting. Nancy, France.
Matthai, S.K. (2019). Carbon Geo-Sequestration: Performance Assessment of Saline Aquifers. ETHZ-D-ERDW Colloquium. Zurich, Switzerland.
Matthai, S.K. (2019). GeoCQuest Update, Relative Permeability Upscaling & Otway Modelling. BP Institute, Cambridge University.
Matthai, S.K. (2019). Impact of geologic heterogeneity on multiphase flow as simulated with different discretisation schemes. RING Meeting. Nancy, France.
Matthai, S.K. (2019). Introduction of Melbourne Team + GeoCQuest Update, Relative Permeability Upscaling & Otway. Stanford University.
Matthai, S.K. (2019). Multiphase flow in heterogeneous geologic media. MOX, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
Matthai, S.K. (2019). Simulation of unstable multiphase fluid flow ensuing from CO2 injection into heterogeneous porous media. MATHIAS19 – Total research conference. Paris, France.
Matthai, S.K. (2019). Space-Time Adaptive THMC Simulation with Hybrid FEM-FVM Methods Applied to CO2 Geo- Sequestration. MOX, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
Matthai, S. K. (2021). ACGSS – Open CSMP++ – Australian Carbon Geo-Sequestration Simulator for space-time adaptive CO2 geo-sequestration performance prediction and optimization. CO2CRC CCUS Symposium, RACV Resort, Torquay, Australia, 22-24 Nov 2021.
Matthai, S. K. (2022). Modelling & Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Highly Heterogeneous Geologic Porous Media. Invited plenary lecture, InterPore 2022, Abu Dhabi, UAE, May 29 – June 3, 2022.
Matthai, S. K. and R. Hilfer (2017). Understanding the impact of heterogeneity on CO2 plume spreading and immobilisation. Mini symposium on impact of geo- heterogeneity on plume spreading and immobilisation. SIAM Geosciences, Erlangen.
Matthai, S. K. and Q. Shao (2019). Simulation of CO2 Injection and Plume Spreading with CSMP Australian CO2 Geo-Sequestration Simulator. SIGBOX Australian Federal Government.
Matthai, S.K., Q. Shao and F. Bonneau (2021). Impact of Faults on CO2 Plume Spreading in Sand-Shale Basins: Preliminary Results from a Numeric Simulation Study of a Fault Array Produced in a Sand-Box Experiment. 15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-15). Abu Dhabi.
Matthai, S.K., Tertois, A.L., Youssef, A. and Shao, Q. (2022). Simulating unsteady CO2 flow through cross-bedded sandstones. EAGE-ECMOR Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, Sept.7, 2022.
Matthai, S.K., Tran, L.K., Youssef, A. Tertois, A., Shao, Q., Mishra, A. and Boon, M. (2022). Numeric Determination of Relative Permeability of Heterogeneous Porous Media with Transient Capillary Discontinuities. Keynote address, Australian Interpore Conference, Perth, Nov 30, 2022.
Matthai, S.K., Youssef, A. Tertois, A. and Shao, Q. (2022). Reduced-Order Modelling of Tabular Sand Bodies for Performance Assessment Simulations of CO2 Storage Sites. IAMG 21st International Conference, Nancy, France, Thursday, Sept 1, 2022.
Mishra, A., M. M. Boon, S. M. Benson and R. R. Haese (2021). Bridging the gap between simulated and measured carbon mineralization in siliciclastic formations. CO2CRC CCUS Symposium. Torquay.
Mishra, A. and R. R. Haese (2017). Characterisation of sub-metre scale lithological heterogeneity to study its impact on carbon trapping at CO2 storage conditions. Victorian Universities Earth and Environmental Sciences Conference. Melbourne.
Mishra, A. and R. R. Haese (2018). Determining conditions of CO2 entry into intraformational baffles: A prerequisite to estimate residually trapped CO2 at reservoir scales. Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference. Melbourne.
Mishra, A. and R. R. Haese (2018). Impact of Lithological Heterogeneity on Baffle Trapping Capacity. 2nd Biennial Meeting of the Australian Chapter of InterPore. Melbourne.
Mishra, A. and R. R. Haese (2019). Development of upscaling laws for geochemical reactions and their integration in reservoir-scale models. Australasian Groundwater Conference. Brisbane.
Mishra, A. and R. R. Haese (2019). Improvements in the estimation of trapping capacities of CO2 storage reservoir. Melbourne Energy Institute Symposium. Melbourne.
Mishra, A. and R. R. Haese (2019). Quantification of the degree of underestimation of carbon mineral trapping at reservoir scale. Victorian Universities Earth and Environmental Sciences Conference. Melbourne.
Mishra, A. and R. R. Haese (2020). Improved estimates of mineral trapping capacities at reservoir scale. Goldschmidt.
Mishra, A. and R. R. Haese (2020). Model development and the simulation of CO2 flow and mineral trapping accounting for mm-scale lithological heterogeneity in CO2 storage reservoirs. International Geological Congress.
Mishra, A. and R.R. Haese (2023). Optimization of the CO2 injection locations in heterogeneous siliciclastic reservoirs using graph theory. InterPore 2023, Edinburgh.
Mishra, A., R. R. Haese and A. Chaudhuri (2019). The impact of intraformational baffles on carbon trapping in CO2 storage reservoirs: Insights into processes and implications on upscaling. 11th Annual Meeting of the InterPore Conference. Valencia, Spain.
Mishra, A., R. R. Haese and A. Chaudhuri (2019). Incorporating the geochemical impact of mm-scale lithological heterogeneity in reservoir scale models. Melbourne India Postgraduate Program and Academy Conference. Melbourne.
Mishra, A., Jyoti, A. and Haese, R.R. (2022). A novel workflow for reducing the dimensionality of upscaled reservoir models. GHGT-16, Lyon, France, 23-27th Oct, 2022.
Mishra, A., Jyoti, A. and Haese, R.R. (2022). An efficient algorithm for transforming discrete core-plug information into a continuum rock-type log to simulate groundwater flow and reactions more accurately. 2nd Australasian Groundwater Conference, Perth, Australia, 20-23rd Nov, 2022.
Mishra, A., Jyoti, A. and Haese, R.R. (2022) A reservoir upscaling approach for an improved representation of fine-scale lithological interfaces in coarse scale grid cells. 3rd biennial meeting of the InterPore Australia Chapter, Perth, Australia, 28-30th Nov, 2022.
Mishra, A., K. D. Kuncho and R. R. Haese (2019). Impact of sub- meter scale lithological heterogeneity on carbon trapping capacities. Peter Cook Centre Symposium. Melbourne.
Mishra, A., P. Nyunt and R. R. Haese (2017). The role of geological heterogeneity on formation water composition and carbon mineralization under CO2 storage conditions. 1st Australian Carbon Capture and Storage Research Conference. Melbourne.
Neufeld, J. A. (2018). The fluid dynamics of geological carbon storage. Cambridge Centre for Climate Science, University of Cambridge
Neufeld, J. A. (2019). Under the geological rug: the fluid dynamics of geological carbon storage. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota
Neufeld, J. A. and M. J. Bickle (2020). Securing the long-term geological storage of CO2. Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy lunch seminars. London.
Ni, H. and S. M. Benson (2019). A novel clustering workflow to do data mining on CO2/water coreflooding data. AGU Fall Meeting 2019.
Ni, H., M. Boon, C. Garing and S. M. Benson (2018). Characterizing CO2 residual trapping through experiments. 10th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting. New Orleans, US.
Ni, H., M. Boon, C. Garing and S. M. Benson (2018). Predicting CO2 residual trapping ability based on experimental petrophysical properties for different sandstone types. SPE Western Region Student Paper Contest. Los Angeles, US.
Sahu, C. K., M. J. Bickle and J. A. Neufeld (2019). Mixing by dispersion in heterogeneous porous medium. 11th Interpore: International Conference on Porous Media. Valencia, Spain.
Sahu, C. K. and J. A. Neufeld (2018). Entraining porous media gravity currents. 71st Annual Meeting of APS-DFD. Atlanta.
Sahu, C. K. and J. A. Neufeld (2019). Dispersive entrainment in gravity currents in layered porous media. 72nd Annual Meeting of APS-DFD. Seattle.
Shao, Q. Boon, M., Youssef, A. Matthai, S. K., Kurtev, K. and Benson, S. M. (2022). A Field-Data Based Numerical Investigation of Factors Controlling CO2 Plume Migration in Storage Candidate Sites. InterPore 2022, Abu Dhabi, UAE, May 29 – June 3, 2022.
Shao, Q. and S. Matthai (2021). A Field-data Based Numerical Investigation of Key Factors Controlling CO2-Plume Migration in Storage Reservoirs. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference. Galveston, Texas, USA.
Shao, Q. and S. K. Matthai (2020). Numerical Modelling of CO2 Migration through Faulted Storage Strata with a New Hybrid Finite-Element Finite-Volume Compositional Simulator with Asynchronous Time Marching. European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR). Edinburgh.
Spurin, C., Kurotori, T., Franc, J. and Tchelepi, H. (2022) Assessing the maximum impact of capillary heterogeneity on trapping in core floods. Gordon conference Flow and Transport in Permeable Media 2022
Youssef, A. Tertois, A., Matthai, S.K. and Shao, Q. (2022). Simulating unsteady CO2 flow through cross-bedded sandstone. EAGE-ECMOR Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, 5-7 Sept. 2022, EAGE Earthdoc.
Cook, P. J. et al. (2020) Quantifying the impact of heterogeneity on CO2 trapping, storage capacity and injectivity. Final project report for BHP.
Hailun, N. (2020). Quantifying CO2 capillary heterogeneity trapping through experiments, data analysis, and simulation, Stanford University. PhD.
Mishra, A. (2020). Sub-meter scale lithological heterogeneity and its influence on the CO2 trapping capacity in CO2 storage reservoirs, The University of Melbourne. PhD.